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If you are wondering what a standard Solution Focused Hypnotherapy session involves, please let me explain:


1) Firstly, there are no "swinging watches" and no “look into my eyes, look into my eyes” ever used.


2) Our first session will include information gathering and a slide show about how the brain works, and why we react to things in the ways that we do. I will send you a free mp3 copy of the language pattern that we use in our sessions, for you to listen to each night, this will help you sleep better and start to empty out your stress bucket. You must put time aside to listen to the mp3, as this will support the work that we are doing together, and you should see a difference.


3) Each session is structured, we simply go through some straightforward easy questions. To answer them, you will need to think about current things in your life.


4) After we complete the questions, you will sit or lie down and relax, while I read through a language pattern over some calming music.


5) You may fall asleep; you may stay awake and listen to every word. Whilst you are relaxing, you should enter a trance state. This is where your subconscious and conscious mind come together in focus. This allows you to gain access to the subconscious mind and that vast intellectual resource, which will then enable you to get the very best out of yourself.


6) Trance is very common, we all go in and out of trance, many times each day. It’s a bit like daydreaming and we do it when we’re watching T.V, driving a regular route, running or when were concentrating on something, we do it all the time.


7) After the language pattern, you should start to feel a bit different in yourself, but don’t worry if you don’t, you may just need more time to get used to it all.


8) Please note, that you will need to put the work in to make changes in your own life. I am here to guide you and help you come up with your solutions.You are in the right place, you have made your first “BIG STEP” in the right direction, by looking for help. Now, please click on each tab and read through them and if you agree with them, please click on the “contact tab”, fill in your details and click send, and let’s start working together to make a difference in your life, and get you back to the person you was!


Take care of yourself and thank you.

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